
Film Festival Fringe Events!

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As well as all the wonderful films and workshops within our programme, a couple of other events to alert you to during the weekend are... Space Ships from the Rubbish Dump - another opportunity to ...
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Film Festival Rickshaws At The Ready!

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So... each year at the Cromarty Film Festival we have the wonderful Nigel and his minibus ferrying people around from venue to venue, particularly up the steep hill. However, this year we have somethi...
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What a great effort & a wonderful weekend, thank you so much. You could see how many people enjoyed the fruits of the team’s hard work over the weekend. Peigi’s voice* is beautiful, I was just listening to it with the girls just now. Savannah managed to make it along to ‘Brave’ so we all went to a couple of things over the Film Weekend and we enjoyed the delicious food trucks as well. Antonia Gordon, Black Isle resident + Middleton Trust trustee